- Wow you actually want to find out about the person who has setup this
site. How nice
- of you.
- I'm a native of Perth Western Australia, the largest state that makes
up my homeland
- of Australia. I think we have the distinction of being the most
isolated capital city in the
- world.
- To earn a living, I work as an Network Administrator
in the Mining Industry. I look after
Internet Technologies, Mail Systems, Domino Servers
and also do the odd bit of PC
- support. Prior to getting a job in the Mining Industry I have worked
- - A Laborer in Kalgoorlie (this is a Gold Mining Town approx. 600km
east of Perth)
- - A Bank Officer
- - Computer Based Training Programmer/Graphic Artist
- - Database Programmer/Special Projects Officer
- - PC Support Officer
- I sort of fell into a computing career when given a golden
opportunity to do Computer
- Based Training programming at the Bank I worked for. I've always had
exposure to
- computers as my Mum was constantly bringing the things home as she
got more
- involved in them as part of her career.
- I'm an early thirty something, going grey at the
temples (my mum
thinks it'll make me
- look distinguished, I think she's humoring me). Hobbies and interests
are Caving,
- Swimming, Camping, Abseiling, Reading, Movies, and
the odd bit of work on my
- Spikey Interactive does computer based work such as Web Sites, Graphics & Tech
Support for good causes or people who don't mind waiting awhile for
something to
be designed due to my having a full time job.